Oct 29 Campaign Update & Report Back - at Santee


ARE is hosting an update meeting with Ethnic Studies Now Coalition on Wednesday Oct.29! Please join us for this very important presentation on what the Ethnic Studies Now Campaign is doing and discussion on what the next steps are to make Ethnic Studies a requirement for graduation in LAUSD. It has been a great campaign so far and we have a real shot at making this happen. Si Se Puede!

October 29, 2014 at 5:00pm - 7pm
Santee Education Complex
1921 Maple St
Los Angeles, CA 90011
United States
Google map and directions
Liset Flores Rocio Garcia Chapina Zepeliz Rosemary Silguero Katya Franco Daisy Lomeli Francisco Martinez Miguel A. Teran Lopez Mujeres de Maiz Hay Urita L Cindy Donis Krystleblue Santos Vance Valencia Maya Mex Jade Puga Irving Grey Angeles Castro Juan Madrigal Productions Ron Gochez Licenciado Rodrigo Valles Carolyn Torres Edmund Alexander Keenan Carolyn Quetzal Sazo Lucas Jose del Barrio Joe Filoso Huitzilopochtli Aracelia Alvarez Francisco Romero Johnavalos Rios Fe Evaone John Morales Osuna Estiben Sean Abajian Abrahan Tapia Erick Carbajal Javier San Roman Revo Grafia Arturo Zepeda Tavares Claudia Rodriguez Ferny Alonso Jewell Medina Dr. John Fernandez Santos Trani Linda Chicana Natali Cabrera M Fernandez Meza Robert Cristo Luis Garcia Are La

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