AB101 ACTION ALERT: Email members of Education Committee

On Wednesday, March 25, the AB101 (Ethnic Studies) bill goes before the CA Assembly Education Committee. Please click on the button below, add your name to the email, send, and share widely with your friends, colleagues and family:



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RE: AB 101 (Alejo): Ethnic Studies for California High Schools - SUPPORT

Dear Honorable Members of the Education Committee,

I write in support of AB 101, which instructs the Superintendent to establish an Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee beginning the school year of 2016-17. The advisory committee will make recommendations to the board on issues related to ethnic studies. The Superintendent will then submit a plan to the board to fully implement an ethnic studies curriculum for all California high schools.

California has one of the largest and most diverse student populations in the nation. Ethnic minorities account for over 71 percent of the student population, with more than 90 languages spoken in District schools.

Given California's annual increase in diversity, it is especially important that students build knowledge of the various racial and ethnic groups in our state. Incorporating ethnic studies courses into standard high school curriculum is a means to accomplish this. In doing so, students gain an encompassed outlook on other cultures while learning respect and tolerance. Additionally, it provides students with the opportunity to learn about their respective culture in the context of California's history.

Developing ethnic studies programs in public high schools is an integral part of cultivating a classroom environment that is accepting of diverse cultures. It is vital for young people to learn about their history, but also important for them to feel like they can change their communities in positive ways. This bill will help close the achievement gap by reducing student truancy, increasing student enrollment, reduce drop-out rates, and better prepare Californian youth to be college prepared and career ready.

Thank you for your consideration.

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