Here's how you can support Assembly Member Luis Alejo's new AB 101 bill:
- Check the ACTION ALERTS for latest actions
- Sign the petition ---> PETITION
- Click here to download ---> FACT SHEET
- Click here to download ---> SAMPLE LETTER of your organization's support. Email a signed copy to: [email protected] and cc: [email protected]
"This bill would require the Superintendent to oversee the development of, and the board to adopt, a model curriculum framework, professional development standards, and other support systems to ensure quality courses in ethnic studies. The bill would require the Superintendent to establish an Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee and would require the committee to advise, assist, and make recommendations to the board about programs, professional development, curriculum content, and other issues related to ethnic studies. The bill would require the Superintendent, on or before June 30, 2016, to submit to the board a plan to fully implement these requirements. The bill would, beginning the school year following the adoption of the model curriculum, require each school district maintaining any of grades 7 to 12, inclusive, to offer, as an elective course in the social sciences, a course of study in ethnic studies based on the model curriculum framework. Because school districts would be required to offer ethnic studies courses, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program." READ MORE HERE
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