AB 331 Petition

I support AB 331 which will add a course of ethnic studies to be a high school graduation requirement beginning the school year of 2023-2024.

California has one of the largest and most diverse student populations in the nation. Ethnic minorities account for over 71 percent of the student population, with more than 90 languages spoken in District schools.

Given California’s annual increase in diversity, it is important that students build knowledge of the various racial and ethnic groups in our state. Incorporating ethnic studies courses into standard high school curriculum is a means to accomplish this. Ethnic studies, promotes respect and understanding among races, supports student success and teaches critical thinking skills. Additionally the course provides students with the opportunity to learn about their respective culture in the context of California’s history.

Requiring ethnic studies to be taught in high schools is an integral part of cultivating a classroom environment that is accepting of diversity. It is vital for young people to learn about their history, it is also important for them to feel like they can contribute to their communities in positive ways. AB 331 will help close the achievement gap by reducing student truancy and student enrollment, reduce drop-out rates, and better prepare Californian youth to be college prepared and career ready.

Who's signing

1,000 signatures

Will you sign?

  • Skylar Clark
    signed 2020-08-11 17:56:17 -0700
  • Magdalene Chin
    signed 2020-08-11 17:29:25 -0700
  • Maria Medina
    signed 2020-08-11 16:33:43 -0700
  • Arlene Cisneros
    signed 2020-08-11 13:51:10 -0700
  • Alison Fujimoto
    signed 2020-08-11 13:03:02 -0700
  • Jane Bollweg
    signed 2020-08-11 12:37:22 -0700
  • Ian Olivant
    signed 2020-08-11 11:18:13 -0700
  • Ashley Locke
    signed 2020-08-11 10:57:46 -0700
  • Emily Moore
    signed 2020-08-11 10:12:15 -0700
  • Megan Chui
    signed 2020-08-11 06:46:47 -0700
  • Sara McMahon
    signed 2020-08-10 23:06:01 -0700
  • Kailey delahoussaye
    signed 2020-08-10 22:38:35 -0700
  • Sam Fabie 🐌
    signed 2020-08-10 22:21:24 -0700
  • Arushi Mishra
    signed 2020-08-10 22:02:50 -0700
  • Amal Nanavati
    signed 2020-08-10 21:44:55 -0700
  • Joseph Ayoub
    signed 2020-08-10 21:23:18 -0700
  • Maya Vasudev
    signed 2020-08-10 20:26:40 -0700
  • Ashley Hernandez
    signed 2020-08-10 20:25:41 -0700
  • Carlos Munoz
    signed 2020-08-10 17:49:18 -0700
  • May Lauritzen
    signed 2020-08-10 13:27:19 -0700
  • Abel Mejia
    signed 2020-08-08 20:09:18 -0700
    Social studies teacher in the Pajaro Valley working to make Ethnic Studies courses available in greater numbers at each of our three comprehensive high schools in our district. Furthermore, middle and elementary schools will be introduced to a wider range of authors and perspectives to work on critical thinking skills and social justice issues.
  • Jenna Ahmed
    signed 2020-08-02 12:58:16 -0700
  • Kela Martinez
    signed 2020-07-28 10:21:12 -0700
  • Mona S
    signed 2020-07-25 14:39:24 -0700
  • Nancy Favila
    signed 2020-07-21 15:46:48 -0700
  • Tricia Gallagher-Geurtsen
    signed 2020-07-20 16:50:29 -0700
  • Maria Gomez
    signed 2020-07-18 17:20:18 -0700
  • Aremi Lopez
    signed 2020-07-16 16:08:50 -0700
  • Ricky Clark
    signed 2020-07-15 22:20:24 -0700
  • Fernando Garcia
    signed via 2020-07-09 12:28:16 -0700

