YES! AB 101 passed in the CA Senate. It's now sitting on Governor Brown's desk.  Unfortunately, we are receiving word that this bill has lukewarm support by the Governor’s office and in fact he may veto the bill...Here are two things you can do right now:

1. Call Governor Brown

(916) 623-4866

Then dial 1 for English & 4 to speak with a rep. Use/Share this ESN number so we can keep track of how many calls are made.

2. Email Governor Brown:


Letters to the Editor
Please also consider writing a Letter to the Editor to one of the following newspapers about the importance of AB 101 and Ethnic Studies. You can use the email to the Governor as an example. Please let us know if the article is published. How to submit a Letter to the Editor:

Have you signed the AB 101 petition yet? CLICK HERE


In case you can't see the email when you click on the brown button above, here is the text you can copy, paste, modify:

SUBJECT:  Re: SUPPORT AB 101 (Alejo) Ethnic Studies for California High Schools

Dear Governor Brown,   
I am writing to ask for your support of the AB 101 (Alejo) Ethnic Studies bill.   
Research studies have demonstrated that truancy rates decrease and graduation rates rise among students who have taken Ethnic Studies courses. The National Education Association's 2010 research review by Dr. Christine Sleeter looked at all available published research on the impact Ethnic Studies curricula has on students and determined that there is dramatic academic and social value in Ethnic Studies.         
California has one of the largest and most diverse student populations in the nation. Ethnic minorities account for over 71 percent of the student population, with more than 90 languages spoken in District schools.   
Developing Ethnic Studies programs in public high schools is an integral part of cultivating a classroom environment that is accepting of diverse cultures. It is vital for young people to learn about their history, but also important for them to feel like they can change their communities in positive ways.       
Please support AB 101 Ethnic Studies for California High Schools.   
Thank you for your consideration.

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  • Tlaka Tletzin
    followed this page 2022-02-26 20:51:55 -0800
  • Rolinda Bailey
    commented 2015-09-10 11:24:19 -0700
    Teaching our future generations about the various cultures that exist within their communities helps them to appreciate them and understand them better. That will lead to better relations within the business and political areas when they become adults.
    Friendships developed from their youth help maintain a more interesting and wholesome environment for all!
  • Victoria Castro
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-09-07 17:30:36 -0700
    Email Governor Brown about importance of AB101 Ethnic Studies bill. Please share with family & friends!

