VIDEO / AUDIO: Maya Arce, et al v. John Huppenthal - January 12, 2015




photo credit: XITO

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  • Eli Sanchez
    commented 2015-01-22 18:08:20 -0800
    After viewing this hearing a few times I can understand the lack of knowledge in our fellow Americans. Chicanos are the Mexicans who became US citizens on the same piece of land. You can paint the house a different color but it is still the home you had. Ethnic Studies needs to be taught.
  • Eli Sanchez
    commented 2015-01-22 17:07:00 -0800
    Judge Richard Clifton seems to be unaware of the needs and wants of the Chicano students in America today! Why is he a judge in a Chicano’s native country! This is our America! We are are the natives of this land! Americans are our RAZA! Don’t be afraid to teach the truth!

