ESN Youth NOW Youth Summit Program
Saturday, February 21, 2015
9:00 Welcome: MC
9:10 Opening Ceremony: Danza Cuauhtémoc
9:30 ESN Campaign (LAUSD) PPT/Slideshow
9:40 Keynote Speaker: Jose Lara, Vice President, El Rancho Unified School Board, Member, Union del Barrio
9:55 Keynote Speaker: Michelle Thomas, Pedro Tavera, Co-Chairs, MEChA de Maya Angelou High School
10:10 Malcolm X Tribute: 50th Anniversary of Assassination
10:20 Workshops:
A) Demanding ESN in LAUSD: Presenters: Youth from The Strategy Center, Maya Angelou HS, Roosevelt HS
B) How can Parents and Teachers get involved? Presenters: Base Paulo Freire, Union del Barrio
C) Organize for ESN in your community! (Non-LAUSD): Presenter: Sean Abajian, Coordinator, Ethnic Studies NOW Coalition
11:30 LUNCH
12:10 Report-back from workshops
12:40 Summit Resolutions
1:30 End of Summit
In November, we made history in Los Angeles. After months of organizing, we were able to get the LAUSD Board of Education to make Ethnic Studies a requirement for high school graduation. It was a wonderful victory for our community but the real work is still to come and this is why we need YOUR help!
LAUSD voted to implement Ethnic Studies courses at 25 high schools next year as part of a pilot program and at ALL LAUSD high schools by 2019. This summit is meant to bring students together from as many different LAUSD high schools as possible to create a plan to demand Ethnic Studies courses at each campus. We cannot just sit back and wait on LAUSD to deliver these courses; we must demand them so that our campuses get the courses as soon as possible.
We call on all LAUSD high school teachers to bring students from your campus to this summit so that your students can connect with other students to advance this movement. Our objective is to create a strong demand from the students across the district. This will pressure the district to provide the resources necessary to implement these courses as soon as possible.
Let's keep up the organizing! Let's grow the momentum to insure that Ethnic Studies in Los Angeles is a major success so that it serves the interests of our communities and so that it becomes a model for the rest of the nation to follow! Please help us to spread the word about this summit!
Info on speakers, workshops...etc will be released
This event is being organized by Union del Barrio and MEChA de Santee but we aim for it to be a collaboration between as many organizations as possible.
1921 Maple Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90011
United States
Google map and directions
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