sign the Petition

*update* we reached 250 signatures on Sept 17; 500 on Sept 29; 750 on Sept 30; 1000 on Oct 2; 1500 on Oct 18. Our current goal is 2500 signatures.


We, the undersigned, support the effort to make the successful completion of an A-G approved Ethnic Studies course a high school graduation requirement in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).

According to the data from the California Department of Education, LAUSD only offers Ethnic Studies courses at 19 out of 94 of its senior high schools. Because of this limited access, only 691 out of a total of 152,507 high school students in LAUSD are taking Ethnic Studies courses, despite the fact that over 90% of LAUSD is comprised of students of color whose shared experiences are marginalized and forgotten in the mainstream curriculum. 

It is time that all LAUSD students have access to Ethnic Studies courses -- courses that speak to students who have felt invisible and marginalized, to inspire and motivate them in their education, so that they learn their own history, engage actively in their own learning, and connect in meaningful ways to the larger community. Research has shown that a well-developed and well-thought-out Ethnic Studies curriculum has positive academic outcomes for students.

Who's signing

Mark Abendroth
mario mora
Maryori Garcia
Lillian Cain
Caissa McClinton
Phyl Brazee
Ariana Reed
Geoff Boyce
julian viera
Amanda Hicklin
Marcia Bless
Lary Duque
Ethan Grey Hutchinson
Bruce Campbell
Shelley Naftel
2,500 signatures

Will you sign?

or Text SIGN to +12132679031 to sign
  • Mark Abendroth
    signed 2014-10-01 18:26:28 -0700
  • @BlackYodaYogi tweeted link to this page. 2014-10-01 18:21:18 -0700
    Sign the petition: Ethnic Studies Now in LAUSD
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-10-01 18:21:18 -0700
    Sign the petition: Ethnic Studies Now in LAUSD
  • Rashaad Thomas
    signed 2014-10-01 18:20:47 -0700
  • mario mora
    signed 2014-10-01 18:10:42 -0700
  • Cristina Cabezas
    signed 2014-10-01 17:49:50 -0700
  • Maryori Garcia
    signed via 2014-10-01 17:44:56 -0700
  • Lillian Cain
    signed 2014-10-01 17:34:36 -0700
  • Caissa McClinton
    signed 2014-10-01 17:27:49 -0700
  • Phyl Brazee
    signed 2014-10-01 16:53:27 -0700
  • Carl Viray
    signed 2014-10-01 16:41:00 -0700
  • Ariana Reed
    signed via 2014-10-01 16:22:10 -0700
  • @mlakhwa1 tweeted link to this page. 2014-10-01 15:55:58 -0700
    Sign the petition: Ethnic Studies Now in LAUSD
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-10-01 15:55:58 -0700
    Sign the petition: Ethnic Studies Now in LAUSD
  • Monica Lakhwani
    signed 2014-10-01 15:53:30 -0700
  • Geoff Boyce
    signed 2014-10-01 15:39:31 -0700
  • Steve McCutchen
    signed 2014-10-01 14:52:27 -0700
  • julian viera
    signed 2014-10-01 14:29:35 -0700
  • Alice Ross
    signed 2014-10-01 14:22:58 -0700
  • David Goldberg
    signed 2014-10-01 14:22:03 -0700
  • Amanda Hicklin
    signed 2014-10-01 14:18:07 -0700
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-10-01 14:16:33 -0700
    Sign the petition: Ethnic Studies Now in LAUSD
  • Marcia Bless
    signed 2014-10-01 14:15:53 -0700
  • Carlos Munoz
    signed 2014-10-01 13:55:00 -0700
  • Lary Duque
    signed 2014-10-01 13:48:34 -0700
  • Ethan Grey Hutchinson
    signed via 2014-10-01 13:47:00 -0700
  • Nikki Louis
    signed 2014-10-01 13:37:50 -0700
  • Bruce Campbell
    signed 2014-10-01 13:26:41 -0700
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-10-01 13:13:47 -0700
    Sign the petition: Ethnic Studies Now in LAUSD
  • Shelley Naftel
    signed 2014-10-01 13:13:03 -0700

