We received this email today from SFSU student leaders:
To the Student Body, Faculty and Staff of San Francisco State University, and community members,
We would like to express our collective disappointment with President Leslie Wong and his official response to our set of demands made last week in a public meeting here at San Francisco State University. In effect, President Wong has chosen to evade responsibility by addressing none of our demands. President Wong has continued to manipulate the issues at hand by blaming the College of Ethnic Studies’ inability to “fundraise” and completely avoiding the issue of under funding that our college faces. We, the students in Ethnic Studies, are completely dissatisfied with President Wong’s lack of leadership. We feel that Wong and his administration have blatantly disregarded the needs of students on this campus. We do not need more rhetorical support for Ethnic Studies; we have demanded and we expect material support according to our very reasonable but non negotiable demands.
As a result, we are left with no choice but to intensify our pressure, which is now emboldened by the unprecedented amount of support from our community and educational institutions around the country. President Wong and his Administration are playing a dangerous game. When Ethnic Studies is under attack, students and the larger community committed to our goals will continue to stand up and FIGHT BACK. President Wong, the students remain united. We will be loud. We will be heard. We will win. We are requesting a town hall meeting with President Wong and Provost Rosser on April 5th along with Chancellor White. In this meeting, we will discuss our Ten - demands and hold them accountable.
To continue to put pressure on the administration we have decided to start with disrupting normal business flow throughout this current week (March 2nd - 4th, 2016).
Showing up during normal business hours 8am – 5 pm throughout the whole week by requesting a town hall meeting with President Wong and/or Provost Sue Rosser.
Request full transparency and documentation of the Academic Affairs budget. (Phone call script and email template can be found below).
Contacts/Locations for their offices:
Contact for President Leslie Wong’s Office
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (415) 338-138
1600 Holloway Avenue,
Administration Building, Room 562
San Francisco, CA 94132
Contact for Provost Sue Rosser’s Office
E-mail: [email protected] (link sends e-mail)
Phone: (415) 338-1141
Fax: (415) 338-2514
1600 Holloway Ave
Administration building, Room 455
San Francisco, CA 94132
The general student body have decided to walk up by waves:
We will be meeting in front of the Ethnic Studies & Psychology Building 10 minutes prior to prep everyone and will make our way there. If you come late, feel free to meet us at the Administration Building.
“Hello, my name is __________ and I am from ________. I would like to schedule a town hall meeting with *WHOEVER YOU’RE CALLING* on April 5th. I would like to have a town hall meeting with him/her in regards to full transparency of the Academic Affairs Budget. “
**Wait for response**
(They may ask for your email information and name again, it’s okay if they do)
“Could you please let him/her know that the concerns of the students and the community needs to be addressed so we hope that this will be taken seriously. “
“Dear President Wong/Provost Sue Rosser,
I hope this email finds you well, I am writing to request a town hall meeting with the students of San Francisco State University on April 5th during Chancellor White’s visit to campus to discuss our 10 demands and how we can resolve these issues within the context of Chancellor White’s CSU Wide Ethnic Studies Task Force recommendations. Please let me know if you, and other campus administrators will join together with us to come to a resolution on this issue that is crucial to our success and future roles as leaders throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and around the world. “
“Dear President Wong/Provost Sue Rosser,
I hope this email finds you well, I am writing to request a town hall meeting with the students of San Francisco State University on April 5th during Chancellor White’s visit to campus to discuss our 10 demands and how we can resolve these issues within the context of Chancellor White’s CSU Wide Ethnic Studies Task Force recommendations. Please let me know if you, and other campus administrators will join together with students to come to a resolution on this issue that is crucial to our success and future roles as leaders throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and around the world. “
Please feel free follow us through facebook for more updates: https://www.facebook.com/ethnicstudies4freedomandourfuture/
Demands made by students
President Wong’s response to the Student Demands
With love & solidarity
The Students of San Francisco State University
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