AB 100 passes out of Senate Appropriations -- Your help is needed!

Good News! AB 101 has made it through the Senate Appropriations Committee and out of Senate Suspense. In that process there were some minor amendments made to the bill that focuses the bill on a model curriculum and sets an end date for the Advisory committee. 

It will soon go for a vote before the whole Senate and then to the Governor's desk. Unfortunately, we are receiving word that this bill has lukewarm support by the Governor’s office and in fact he may veto the bill...Here are two things you can do right now:

  1. Contact your CA Senator: CLICK HERE
  2. Email Governor Brown:


Letters to the Editor
Please also consider writing a Letter to the Editor to one of the following newspapers about the importance of AB 101 and Ethnic Studies. You can use the email to the Governor as an example. Please let us know if the article is published. How to submit a Letter to the Editor:

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