As Ethnic Studies Now, we understand that Ethnic Studies as a discipline would not exist without the courageous and sometimes perilous struggles of Black students, such as those at CSUN, San Francisco State and UC Berkeley. These students facing down the police were often among the first to be jailed. As we did 50 years ago, we rise today. We add our voices to the many across the world condemning the white supremacist criminalization of Black bodies, the violent nature of policing and the never-ending cases of police murders. We unequivocally support those mobilizing, marching and standing up shouting “Black Lives Matter!”
As sister, Dr. Melina Abdullah, reminds Ethnic Studies advocates, “we are challenged to adhere to the revolutionary foundations of our discipline” and to “support radical action!” As Ethnic Studies Now, we believe the time to stand with the Black community and demand justice for George Floyd and all victims of police terror is NOW. For more than 500 years, Black lives have been subjected to genocidal attacks in this country and throughout the world. We say “Basta Ya!” No more will we witness the killing of Black people, we stand united in the movement to end police repression, brutality and murder!
We also send our sincere condolences to the family of George Floyd and to all Black families who have lost a loved one at the hands of the police. We will not stop until this stops. As we stand with the millions of protesters in Minneapolis, New York, Denver, San Antonio, Chicago, Santa Ana, San Jose, Los Angeles, Toronto, Berlin and London. As we stand with those throughout the world, we shout “Black Lives Matter!”
In the quest to challenge the neoliberal political systems that continue to place individualism and profit before people, we condemn those who highlight the destruction of property and ignore the oppression and murder of Black people. We acknowledge the multiracial uprising against police repression and murder and are hopeful that the millions who have united to challenge this injustice continue until all four police officers are convicted and found guilty and until we no longer have to worry about sending our Black children into a world that criminalizes their existence. Black Lives Matter!
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