Last night May 16th, at the Oxnard Union High School District, the board voted unanimously to pass our resolution for an Ethnic Studies graduation requirement. By 2020, every freshman in OUHSD will take a required Ethnic Studies course. Further, a senior course will be developed and a curriculum review of the current Chicano Literature course and Mexican American History and Culture course. Students will have up to FOUR courses in Ethnic Studies/Chicana/o Studies to choose from. The board also agreed to develop an Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee, as well as active teacher recruitment of those with Ethnic Studies degrees.
This is a victory we should all celebrate and be proud of, but now the work begins! Next step: If you are interested in participating for the long haul, save the date: JUNE 5th 5pm OUHSD Board Room for our first meeting to discuss how to develop the Ethnic Studies advisory committee and set an agenda/goals. The committee will be comprised of the original drafters of the resolution, but we will want input from the community!
Also, please forward this information to any media contacts. We want the good news to spread, via the local paper etc. We need to build a campaign educating the community about what is Ethnic Studies.
Hasta La Victoria Siempre!
Assistant Professor Chicana/o Studies
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